
Sunday, 4 August 2013

Life Update!

I know, I know, I haven't been the usual keen blogger I am, and don't worry I'm not going to bore you all with a massive long blog post, because then you'd probably be asleep by the end, and also my life isn't that exciting! So here goes...

Firstly I finished school on the 14th of June and now my days are filled with eating, sleeping and job-hunting(boo!). I get my GCSE results on 22nd August and there is no worry as the college course only requires 4 GCSE's at C and above and I know I had that probably before Year 11 started. I start a Level 3 BTEC in Sport at college in September, and got my enrolment form yesterday. 

The only two things that have grown in my life is my nails and my hair, and me being honest is something that I'm proud of. It's no recognised achievement but my hair and nails finally look healthy.

My rant this month is the fact I've applied for a gazillion job(well, about 15-20 which is a lot) that are suitable for me and still I don't have an interview for anywhere, I've been rejected by two and the other 13 have decided to ignore me completely. Big hate when they don't even get back to you!

Anyways life update over!
 Thank god I didn't have that many things to tell you about or I'd be here all day, phew!

Hope you guys like hearing about other areas of my life, don't worry I won't enlighten you too often.
Cya later lovely peoples x

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Instagram #2... I think

Soooo, I haven't blogged for a while and I'm terribly sorry, I just haven't had any inspiration or anything to write about.

I might do a life update style blog post soon but this is a post of my favourite Instagram's to show you all what I've been up to lately (pretty cool I you ask me). Instagram is a great way to see what people are up to in pictures without fussing, it's easy and simple and if you haven't got Instagram, well you're well behind.

Hope you guys enjoy this post as its the first in a while and I hope to find some inspiration to blog again soon:)

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Social things you may need to know..

As most people have, I have many forms of social media that you may want to connect with me on. Many of these apart from the norm (Twitter, Facebook) is new to me so you guys may want to help me out.

It's very exciting creating all these accounts, although I may not know how to use them. So here's a list of what I'm on and what you need to follow/tweet/subscribe to me! Thanks for listening to me ramble on x

Twitter: @charleyyyk
YouTube: (I think)
Pinterest: Charley Knights
Tumblr: charleygoesrawrrr
Wish: Charley Knights
Instagram: charleyknights

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Mini Manicure: DIY

I don't really do posts about my nails but here's one for you!

Okay, so my nails were due a little M.O.T as they were looking pretty dull and lifeless. I fancied doing a blog post about this as I wasn't doing anything interesting and this takes up a bit of time.

Step 1: I soaked my hands in lukewarm water for about 5-7 mins and patted my hands dry.
Step 2: I applied hand cream and rubbed in, focusing more on my fingers and not necessarily the palms.
Step 3: Simple. I filed my nails to the shape and length I wanted, which is pretty short as my nails don't grow much and rounded as they looked nicer.
Step 4: I then applied a base coat then my chosen colour which is shown in the images and waited for my polish until it was damp (I find applying top coat to dampened nails works much better)
Step 5: I applied the top coat and my mini-stay-at-home manicure was finished!

Hope you enjoy this post x

Friday, 5 April 2013

Wish List #1

Recently I've been lacking inspiration for a blog post, and obviously you noticed as I've posted two OOTD's in a row.

Again this is another idea I've stole from many blogs I've been browsing through lately, looking for a spark of inspiration, and my new idea is... *Duh duh duh* a wish list, as you've probably seen by the title.

Sooo guys you've probably seen this on other blogs so here goes!

Picture 1: IPhone Case
Topshop Acid Wash Jeans
Burgundy Authentic Vans
Flower Print Sunglasses

Picture 2: A (nice pricey) MacBook Pro!
Camouflage Studded Jacket
Taylor Swift Wonderstruck Enchanted
Topshop Blue Knee High Socks

Here's my first and hopefully not last wish list, hope you guys enjoy!

Monday, 1 April 2013

OOTD: First time wearing pink! 1st April 2013

So today I didn't do anything. Great start to a blog post right?! I stepped out the back garden so that's why I have shoes in this post, okay:)

This outfit is kinda' a chill out one, kept it plain and simple, no accessories and kept comfortable because its not as if I'm doing anything.

Jumper: New Look (Unknown Price)
Vest Top: Primark £2.50
Jeggings/Jeans: Primark £9
Shoes: Primark £8

Saturday, 30 March 2013

OOTD: Fresh out the Box (30th March 2013)

Hey guys!

I haven't posted for a while, sorry. I'm back with an outfit of the day for you lot as I spent £70 in New Look and Primark on clothes, buying a few pieces that will do me for when I go to college(in September).

This outfit is plain as I don't like to accessorise outfits and I thought it looked nice.

Jacket- Primark £10
Boyfriend T-Shirt- Primark £3.50
Plain Black Leggings- New Look 2 Pack £12.99
Nike Bruins- Footasylum £61.99

Hope you enjoy!
What new items have you lot bought for spring/summer?

Monday, 11 March 2013

Another Broken Finger!

I didn't blog about it the first time but this time I thought it would be a topic, instead of not making a blog post about anything for ages.

I have broke(well chipped the bone) off a second finger, both broke by playing the same sport- NETBALL (GRRR!)

The first time wasn't too bad, because I broke my ring finger on my right hand, which isn't used for much as I'm left handed but as you guessed, this time I've broke the second finger in on my left hand.

It's such a pain as its strapped to my first finger and as it happens there the two that curl around your pen when you write, which means I can't write, I'm such an accident prone person in general although I've only ever broke my fingers, no other bones.. Yet!

I've took two pictures, one I sent to my mother as she was at work when I came home to show her it was broke, and the other is basically how the hospital straps every broken finger, just though a picture would be... Well.. Filling the post a bit.

Hope you guys feel my pain hahah:) have you ever broken any bones? Have you ever had any close shaves( sprained ankle, cuts as bruises)?

Saturday, 9 March 2013

25 Facts about Me

Well I suppose this is for YouTube usually but I thought it sounded fun. So basically I'm going to tell you 25 facts about me; some you may or may not know and some random shit if I don't run out of ideas.
So here goes nothing!


1. My first name on my birth certificate is Charley Georgia, but people just call me Charley because I don't like my name
2. My mam and dad have been split since I was born, but I still see my dad two/three days a week
3. My favourite colour is Orange
4. I prefer Twitter and Instagram to Facebook
5. I was born and still live in Middlesbrough
6. I'm in my last year at school
7. I'm going to Middlesbrough College in September to study Level 3 in Sport Development, Coaching and Fitness
8. I have an obsession with One Direction
9. I love football
10. Horror movies are my favourite genre
11. I have one double jointed thumb and double jointed knees
12. I still sleep with a childhood teddy
13. My dream career would be a footballer
14. I have two sisters and three half brothers; Kirsty, Sophie, Nathan, Josh and Zack
15. I am very close to two of my cousins and there both boys (Billy and Jack)
16. My friendship group is pretty close as there's only four of us
17. I loved primary and wish I could go back to see all the changes
18. I cry at most things even if there not that sad, for example I cried at someone else crying on the TV
19. I can't wait to leave school but I don't want to grow old
20. I'm probably the fussiest eater you'll know, the list is endless (I don't literally make a list but if I did it would be well longer than this blog post
21. I'm left handed, left footed but use scissors with my right hand
22. I support Liverpool FC and have done since I knew what football was
23. I play netball for the school team
24. My birthday is the 21st March and I'm 16 in 10 days (Yay!)
25. I've just written and posted this at 12:30am exactly.

Hope you enjoyed this and it wasn't too long and boring. What's interesting about you? Can you think of 25 facts about yourself?

Monday, 21 January 2013

Special K Cracker Crisps! REVIEW

Hey guys! And welcome to another snow filled day, boo:( Normally, I will post something to do with clothes/beauty but today I ran out of inspiration, so I'm going to review food, my second most favourite thing in the world.

So today I'm reviewing the new 'Cracker Crisp' range from Special K. To me, they are a crisp sent from heaven, they are so tasty! As I'm aware, there's 3 flavours and I aren't to keen on the green box, the red box being an outright front runner.

The red box is Sweet Chilli, the blue box is Salt and Vinegar and green box is Sour Cream and Onion. I am least keen on the Sour Cream and Onion as they are repetitive and fairly bland. I love the Sweet Chilli as they have a kick and are slightly spicy, which I like. The Salt and Vinegar have a kick too and are very strong, and the flavour is just altogether very yummy.

The crisp itself is round, and the texture is much like a cracker, but tastes nothing like the bland crackery taste. The contrast is daring and the crisp is just amazingly beautiful.

The images are just to show you what the crisp and packaging looks like. And for you weight watchers, 21 crisps is only 94 calories, woo!

Have you tried these crisps? What flavour is your favourite?

Sunday, 20 January 2013

It's cold outside! OOTD

Like most of the country, Middlesbrough is covered in upto 10cm of snow. I had to add a coat, scarf and gloves to this outfit and my nanas is only 3 minutes away.

I mixed and matched with old and new today and also had a top underneath my checked shirt for that extra warmth. I'm posting this from my phone as I can't be bothered turning my laptop on and importing images to a file etc. So all the photos will be boring, unedited and all together, sorry! I've also added some photos of the snow just so you can see what the weather is like:)

What do you add to an outfit to keep yourself warm? How deep is the snow where you are?

Much love xo

Friday, 11 January 2013


I have had literally no inspiration for this weeks blog post. Until I realised how hard and stressful exams in the last year of school are. So sorry for no photos today, I feel like I'm totally boring everyone of you that read this blog.

These are the times in life where you don't think anything matters, that your going to go far even if you have no grades because your okay, cool. But really these are like the times in life that depend what path you take in life, the grades showing whether your a complete genius or a tragic failure. People just seem to assume that exams are easy, then there stumped when they open to the first page of the paper and discover its not like the bus ride you take to school.

As I am in the highest class in the school, every exam paper for the people in our class is of a higher standard and the teachers expect much more from the clever groups. Being put in for a higher paper means much more revision, but I find you can exactly revise for the language you speak, and you can really revise for maths as it is just numbers, and there is not much you can do about it.

I find exercise as a way out, something that relaxes you and makes the mounting pressure climb back down that mountain. If your also wanting to lose a bit of fat, or just tone up, it relieves them burning eyes in the back of your head. I used to get comments from teachers saying 'calm down' as I always look stressed when  taking an exam back in the beginnings of Year 10, end of Year 9, but now, exams don't bother me, it is the fear of failing, as it is the last few months of school and I desperately want to get that B grade in Science.

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

Friday, 4 January 2013

First complete post of 2013! New Years Resolutions

(Christmas was an edited and re-published FYI)

Okay guys! This is my first official blog post of 2013 and I'm glad to be back after the hefty festive period/time. Hope you all had a super-duper cool Christmas and New Year and enjoyed it as much as possible:) This is also the first Christmas I have returned from as a blogger (yey!) and I am really enjoying blogging for everyone to see/read.

New Years Resolutions are those promises most of the population never keep, including me. This year I have come up with a creative, thoughtful list to share with you all, full of stuff that I would like to do, goals I would like to accomplish and promises I hope to truly keep. I'm not promising anything and there will be an update sometime throughout the year to see which have been trashed, ones that I have stuck by and ones I wish I could have kept.

#1 To be a more positive person as a whole, e.g. to others, about myself (cringy, I know)
#2 Help others out if and when I can
#3 To eat more healthy, and have a healthy, nutritious lifestyle
#4 Care a bit less what other people think of me
#5 Focus on finishing school knowing that I have worked hard and done my absolute best

Link me to your page if you have done a list of resolutions for yourself or tell me what you would like to achieve in the 2013 yourself, have fun and make sure you have a good year!

2013: Renovating my bedroom

And so here we are, reviewing one of my resolutions; to be a cleaner and more hygienic person. And it's gonna take a while getting used to writing 2013 in my school books.

Talks about re-decorating my bedroom have been going on since June last year, but we never actually got round to it as there was so much on. Re-doing my bedroom came around, when my mother heard my poor single bed was on it's last legs. My bedroom has been decorated red and cream since I was around 10/11 when I was convinced I was a boy. Apart from the One Direction posters, merchandise and a lonely pink box, you would still think there was boy inhabiting my personal space.

The paper will be going on my main wall (hard to choose as my bedroom is pretty small), which I chose as the wall with my window on. The paper I picked first and that I am most fixed on is a duck egg blue colour with tropical patterns on. I really like the colours used and the way the flowers are displayed, but I'm struggling to pick colour to go on my other 3 walls, boo:(

I also like this extremely detailed, patterned paper. I have tried to pick wall paper that doesn't have a repetitive pattern and with this, every detail is different. Although I really like this, I'm not sure it's just for one wall and whether it will suit a habitat like a bedroom.

This paper was my back-up plan, I had picked around 7 papers and whittled it down to my three favourites. The only thing I am not sure on with this paper is the square, straight silver patterns. I'm not to sure of this paper as the pattern is repetitive, and the flowery pattern is black, meh:/

All over the festive period, all I heard and expected was the words 'Christmas', 'presents' and 'alcohol', so talking about getting my bedroom completely gutted was something fresh and new to talk about. Because of the way mine and my sisters room was split, hers has to be decorated first and then swip-swap when mine gets decorated (yey!). The amount of time, contacting and thought-power from both me and my mother was spent in B&Q. The exciting part is acting like a ten year old, picking all the colour books and shade cards from the paint section. I bet the workers get sick of restocking the shade card wall:)

If you guys could advise me on which paper to choose, which colour/s to put on the other wall etc, then that would be really helpful. I am possibly also getting a new bed, I'm thinking new curtains, a few vintage pieces, homemade DIY cushions and a bit more simple styles of storage as I have so much junk and not enough space to put it all.

Are you guys thinking of re-deorating and rooms in your house? Could you help me with colour scheme suggestions?


Here's a selection of photos from my Christmas!